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  • Honours Degree

The curricula of our degrees conform to the highest international standards and provide the fundamental knowledge that is required in all important areas of computer science. A wide variety of computer science modules are taught, emphasizing state-of-the-art application of computer science in today’s IT industry. Ethical implications and professional values for the computer science graduate are also covered in the curricula.



Honours is a prestigious degree intended for those who wish to obtain a professional qualification of international standing and take their place in the IT industry or CS academia.

BSc Computer Science Honours


Honours is a prestigious degree intended for those who wish to obtain a professional qualification of international standing and take their place in the IT industry or CS academia. Entrance to the degree is restricted to those who achieve well in their BSc. The degree covers a range of topics that are presented by experts in the department, and students have the opportunity to work on several projects to a high standard.

Admission Requirements

Subject to the stipulations of General Regulations G.1.3, G.16 and G.62 (University of Pretoria under Prospective students), a BSc degree, majoring in Computer Science from a South African university (or an equivalent) with a weighted average of at least 60% over all third-year modules in the Computer Science major, is required for admission to this degree program. Students with a BIS (Multimedia) degree from the University of Pretoria will be allowed to register for the BSc (Hons) in Computer Science provided that they have an average of 60% for COS301 and at least three third year Computer Science modules. Students from outside South Africa need to obtain a certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) before admission will be considered. The head of department may prescribe additional conditions for admission.

Prior knowledge: Good programming and report writing skills are assumed. Individual modules may require additional prior knowledge. See the study guide for each module.

Admission Procedure

Phase 1: Application for admission

  • Application forms are available from the Student Service Centre or submit an electronic request.

Phase 2: Before First Meeting

  • Formulate your choice of modules for the entire year.
  • Modules offered by the department will be described at the First Meeting (Orientation). Changes are possible within two weeks of each semester.
  • The last date for module registrations is 21 February 2025.
  • The last date for module de-registrations is 10 March 2025.
  • BIS Honours Multimedia’s first meeting is: 4 February, at 17:30 online at
  • Honours orientation meeting for 2025 will take place on Thursday 6 February at 16:30 in IT 4-4.

Phase 3. Registration

  • Register the modules you chose on your student portal.
  • Collect your student card at LC de Villiers Sportgrounds after 24 hours of registration.

Prior knowledge: Where is the Informatorium? Where is the cashier? How much are the fees? Contact the Student Service Centre on 012 420 3111

Degree Structure

The degree is conferred on a student who successfully completes at least 120 credits of course work in Computer Science at honours level. The degree is comprised as follows:

Project Component: All students have to register for COS700, which is worth 30 credits. COS700 is structured as follows:

  • Research methods component of 10 credits, which will be based on formal lectures in the first semester;
  • Research project component which is a full 20 credits project.

Module component: At least 6 modules of 15 credits each, to be selected from the modules offered by the Department of Computer Science. Students may take 15 credits honours modules from any other department for which they qualify.

Duration of Study

A student is required to complete his/her studies within one year (full-time) or within two years (part-time). However, the Dean, on the recommendation of the head of department, may approve a stipulated limited extension of this period.

Lecture Times - 1st Semester 2025

All Computer Science modules run for one double period a week for one semester. Lecture times are from 16:30 – 18:30 and 18:30 – 20:30 from Mondays to Thursdays.

All lectures will take place in IT 4-3.

Weekly Schedule

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
16:30 - 18:30 COS710
Prof Pillay
Ms Baror
Prof Marivate
Dr Marshall
18:30 - 20:30 COS741
Dr Timm [Tswelopele Lab]
COS700 (RM)
Ms Rananga
Mr Makura

Assignments, Tests, and Projects

Each module may have associated assignments, tests and projects. Students should plan their time to ensure that they can devote the appropriate amount of effort to these tasks. Extensions are not given lightly. Part-time students should be aware that “pressure at work” is not an acceptable excuse for not handing in coursework.


The Dean may, on the recommendation of the Admissions Committee, cancel the studies of a student who fails more than one module in an academic year. A module may only be repeated once. No supplementary examinations are granted at post-graduate level.

Degree Pass and Cum Laude Requirements

Pass requirements: In calculating marks, General Regulation G.12.2 is applicable. However, a student is required to obtain at least 50% in an examination in a module where no semester or year mark is required. In those cases where a year mark or semester mark is available, a subminimum of 40% must be obtained in the examination.

Degree with distinction: The BSc(Hons) degree is awarded with distinction to a candidate who obtains a weighted average of at least 75% in all the prescribed modules and did not fail any module.

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