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  • 2022 UP Big Data Science Capstone Exhibition

Announcing the 2022 MIT 808 - Big Data Science Capstone Exhibition

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2022 UP Big Data Science Capstone Exhibition

Announcing the 2022 MIT 808 - Big Data Science Capstone Exhibition. In the MIT808 module, Masters in IT: Big Data Science students carry out a project that brings together the theoretical modules students would have done in the first year of their Masters program. The projects also allow partners to explore using Data Science within their departments or organisation in

The 2022 capstone had 14 projects from 7 partners. The partners were diverse, representing Food Science, Economic and Management Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture, Geography and, covid19za consortium and the Mail and Guardian Newspaper.

A total of 29 students participated in 14 teams to complete their projects. The exhibition showcases the students’ creativity and Data Science skills.

Please do visit the virtual exhibition website

Course Coordinators Prof. Vukosi Marivate and Abiodun Modupe