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  • Welcome DSFSI Postdoc Dr Kayode Olaleye

Welcome DSFSI Postdoc Dr Kayode Olaleye

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Welcome Dr Kayode Olaleye to the Computer Science department at the University of Pretoria. He is joining Data Science for Social Impact Research Group as a Postdoctoral Fellow sponsored through the JP Morgan Research Faculty award received by Prof Vukosi Marivate.

In March 2023, Kayode obtained a PhD from the University of Stellenbosch under the supervision of Prof. Herman Kamper. HIs doctoral research focussed on keyword localisation for low-resource languages using visually grounded speech models.

Kayode has a strong research interest in machine learning techniques and their applications to natural language and speech processing. Currently, as a postdoctoral fellow, he is actively investigating approaches for processing and generating code-switched and code-mixed data for African languages.

Kayode strives to bridge the gap between the performance of language technologies applied to well-resourced languages and the underrepresented low-resource African Languages. Leveraging his expertise in machine learning, he is dedicated to developing practical solutions that address real-world challenges in these languages. Through research and collaboration, Kayode aims to contribute to the advancement of language technologies for a more inclusive and linguistically diverse digital landscape.